96 results found for ‘David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities

Stephen Dunleavy interviewed Sir David on his new series Natural Curiosities.

Photos from Sir David Attenborough's exploration of nature’s evolutionary anomalies.

Producer Stephen Dunleavy quizzed Sir David Attenborough on his new series.

Sir David Attenborough chats to a tawny owl during filming of the second series.

"Chameleons change colour when they are angry"

"Mole Rats are long, like a sausage, and they are absolutely naked!"

"You wouldn't have thought an elephant could swim, but it is amazing."

"The flat beak is covered in little sensory spots that pick up electrical signals."

A question and answer session with Sir David Attenborough.

"Elephants can hear through their feet."

"Queen Charlotte ... bought a male donkey and had stripes painted on its skin."

Find out what Sir David will be investigating in each episode of Natural Curiosities.

Dr Chris Faulkes talks us through the magnificent naked mole rat.

Counterintuitively, the zebra's stripes acted as camouflage on Victorian England streets.

A long spiral tooth sticking out the front of your face must be quite cumbersome.

Cameraman Rod Clarke on working with Sir David Attenborough.

Male seahorses really are a fish like no other, keeping their young in a special pouch.

The discovery of a new powerfully built ape fuelled stories of savage beasts.

Aphids reproduce like tiny Russian dolls with multiple generations inside each individual.

"If I got a film of that…"